Thursday, June 09, 2005

Oh, the irony!

WebMd is running articles about the recent American Psychiatric Association’s AGM. One that piqued my interest is titled: Consumer Drug Ads May Confuse the Public.

The opening text reads:

A new study shows that patients are often influenced by advertisements for medications that they see on TV and in magazines -- often to the point that they question their doctor's wisdom.

And adjacent to the text of this article, dominating the top of the page, what is there? THIS DRUG AD! (Guess the AMA didn't find the same influence from website advertising...)

Oh my gosh. I pee at least 12 times a day. Really. Last night I woke up twice to pee. (I am also sick so yesterday I drank at least 12 big cups of tea and hot honey and lemon - but do pee more than 8 times a day...)

And I leak sometimes, too. Like yesterday, when my husband put off a telemarketer by saying he was 16 and his wife works at a bank. Peed my pants laughing, I did.

Unfortunately, the simplicity of this ad could lead me to conclude that I have an overactive bladder. More likely though, I just have an overactive imagination.

Excuse me. I have a sudden urge to pee.


Blogger Toad734 said...

Remind me not to let you sit on my couch.

Apparently I can't go swimming, play golf or walk around the neighborhood unless I have a bigger penis, so I guess I will go and get some Enzyte.

June 09, 2005  
Blogger Psychols said...

Those consumer drug ads are turning us into a bunch of hypochondriacs. The Internet and sites like Web MD may also share some guilt. I find myself intentionally refraining from visiting those sites because there is no way to objectively measure the intensity of one's own symptoms.

As for that damned doctor of mine, all he ever does is give me a song and dance about diet and exercise. :)

June 10, 2005  
Blogger Crackpot Press said...

Ya know a couple of years ago Ihave to wake up every night two or three times to pee.

I saw these commercials and was thinking "Maybe I have that?"

Then I lost forty pounds in six weeks.

Oh I have Juvenile Diabetes! Whew, the second most advertised disease!

apparantly I was just identifying with the wrong commercials.

June 14, 2005  

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